Refund and Cancellation
Thanks for purchasing our product i.e. cash coins/ cash by Rummy 99
Generally, we DO NOT offer a full money-back guarantee for all
purchases made on our website keeping in mind the business line,
goods and services we offer. Also, with adequate measures placed to
keep you aware of all the actions you take on your behalf, we
believe we have minimized human error to a great extent. Howsoever,
within 2 working days If you are not satisfied with the product that
you have purchased from us and have not absolutely used it, you can
get your money back provided on a case to case basis, where you may
need to provide intent and prove your inability to perceive or
understand the actions you have taken while making a purchase. Post
a successful assessment, you may be eligible for a full or partial
or no reimbursement within 30 working calendar days of your
After the 2 working day period you will no longer be
eligible and won't be able to receive a refund.
If you have any
additional questions or would like to request a refund, feel free to
contact us at [email protected]
Games Cancellation Settlement Policy
In the event, a rummy Cash Game is cancelled by Rummy 99 due to technical or other glitches at our end or due to some player(s) indulging in any form of unfair game play; the following settlement policy shall be followed:
Points Rummy Cash Games:
In the event of cancellation of a Points Rummy Cash Game, the table balance of each player is restored to the amount at the beginning of the cancelled Cash Game and credited back to each player’s account. The same process is applied in Points Rummy Cash Games where collusion or cheating is detected in addition to any further action that Rummy 99 decides to take against players engaging in such activities as per the Terms.
Pool Rummy Cash Games:
In the event of cancellation of a Pool Rummy Cash Game, the sum of all entry fees less Rummy 99 ´s service charge only from the entry fee paid by players eliminated prior to the round when the Cash Game was cancelled, shall be equally distributed among the remaining players. In Pool Rummy Cash Games where collusion or cheating is detected, the entry fee paid by other players is refunded to them and the entry fee paid by players indulging in collusion or cheating is dealt with as per the Terms in addition to such further action as may be necessary in the opinion of Rummy 99 .
Free entry Promotional Tournaments:
Free entry Promotional Tournaments: In the event of cancellation of
a Free entry Promotional Tournament, there are three options which
the Rummy 99 Operations Team, at their sole discretion, may adopt
to process settlement
Void the tournament:
Tournament will be cancelled and any entry tickets used by players will be returned
Settle prizes only for the current round:
The prize pool only for the cancelled round will be equally distributed among the players qualifying from the last completed round. If tickets are to be given as prizes in the cancelled round, qualifiers from the last completed round will be given tickets as prizes
Settle prizes for all future rounds of the Tournament:
The prize pool for all remaining unfinished rounds will be equally distributed among the players who qualify from the last completed round. If tickets are to be given as prizes in the cancelled round, qualifiers from the last completed round will be given tickets as prizes
Cash Tournaments:
From the entry fee pool, Rummy 99 will collect service charge only from the entry fee paid by players eliminated up to the last completed round and the remaining amount shall be distributed equally among the qualifiers from the last completed round. If tickets are to be given as prizes in the cancelled round, qualifiers from the last completed round will be given tickets as prizes
Deals Rummy Cash Games
In the event of cancellation of a Deals Rummy Cash Game, the sum of all entry fees less Rummy 99 's service charge only from the entry fee paid by players eliminated prior to the round when the Cash Game was cancelled, shall be equally distributed among the remaining players. In Deals Rummy Cash Games where collusion or cheating is detected, the entry fee paid by other players is refunded to them and the entry fee paid by players indulging in collusion or cheating is dealt with as per the Terms in addition to such further action as may be necessary in the opinion of Rummy 99 .
Contact Our Support
Rummy 99 support team is available round the clock 24x7 to give you the Best Rummy Experience. Connect with our customer support team from your registered email ID at [email protected] and share your concern or issue. Our representative will get back to you with a solution shortly.